Get More Listings – Advice For Realtors

Published On: October 11th, 2021Categories: Real Estate Careers, Real Estate MarketingLast Updated: October 18th, 202312.6 min read

About the Author: Lisa Lete

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You’re a realtor and you need listings. It’s that simple. What’s not so simple is finding listings when there’s a record shortage of homes for sale across the country. The Dallas Morning News reports that the number of homes listed for sale with North Texas agents was at the lowest point in three decades at the beginning of 2021. Throw in some crazy weather and an ongoing pandemic, and people who might be interested in selling are opting to sit tight for a while longer. So what’s a realtor to do to generate more listings? Here’s a few “tried & true” and fun, fresh ideas to help stir up some leads and get new listings on the books in spite of a tight market:

Follow Your Friends

As a realtor, you want people to follow you on your social media pages but you’ll want to make a conscious effort to follow them, too. Every time you hop on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram, make a point to scan the personal posts that people are sharing. There might be a mention of someone getting a job transfer or moving an elderly parent into assisted living. All opportunities to reach out and see if your service as a realtor is needed. Plus, they’ll appreciate that you’re taking an interest in their lives.

Follow Friends on Social Media

Death & Divorce

It may seem a little morbid and depressing but you can potentially find yourself some good listings by reading obits and checking divorce logs. While you don’t want to come across as taking advantage of a bad situation, tactfully following up with someone who recently lost an elderly parent could be a godsend to them. They may have a property that needs to be sold right away or they may need your help down the road. A couple going through a divorce could use your help selling and/or finding a home.

Follow The Signs

You see the signs all over the place, especially during the summer months: Moving Sale, Estate Sale, Yard Sale, Garage Sale! Have some fun and stop by these homes on the weekends. Make a point to seek out the owner, find out their story and offer a complimentary home valuation. You might hit it just right and end up with a new listing and the perfect lamp for your guest bedroom! You will also find these types of sales in your local newspapers or on social media yard sale pages.

Referrals, Referrals, Referrals

When your clients are happy with your service, they will naturally refer you to their family and friends who are looking to buy/or sell a home. Never hesitate to ask for referrals from past/present clients or any other folks who cross your path. Don’t let your relationships with former clients lapse. If you haven’t been in touch with some of your past clientele for a while, shoot them an email or invite them for a golf or coffee date. They are bound to know someone who is looking to sell and might be even thinking about it themselves.

Referral Business

Snail Mail

If there’s one constant in this crazy world: people still check their mailboxes. Direct mail advertising still works! The direct mail company Valpak reported having one of the best years ever during the pandemic. What a great time to send out a pleasant, well written letter or postcard to homeowners letting them know that homes in their neighborhood are in demand and prompting them to sell. There’s less competition in the mailboxes. You might be surprised at the results.

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